Double digit increases of 33% and 50% in year-over-year sales.
Concrete Products- for nine consecutive years, AdLab helped a major manufacturer of landscape stone drive increased consumer traffic and sales to its retailers with an improved media mix of radio and television.
Company credits AdLab with helping it achieve profitability.
Topical Biomedics- AdLab helped this small one-product producer of a homeopathic remedy increase its distribution footprint and lower its cost of goods. AdLab planned, placed and created local spot radio campaigns to drive traffic market by market.
Radio campaigns that moved record amounts of product.
Trask Nutrition- This producer of natural health supplements lost market share when a major retail chain created their own knock-off product. AdLab helped them recover with cost-efficient and highly effective campaigns, recouping its losses.
Generated an overwhelming response.
St Gabriel Laboratories- Despite a low budget, limited distribution and well-funded competitors, AdLab generated an extremely high level of consumer response by placing this small manufacturer of natural lawn and garden products in a consumer advocate radio program, with the host’s personal endorsement.
Sales Uptick; Improved Media Buys and Produced Stronger Messaging
EcoSmart Technologies- This newcomer to the “green” space saw a nice uptick in sales its second season, thanks to AdLab’s improved media buys and stronger messaging for the company’s national radio campaign, despite well-funded competitors.
Generated over four hundred orders in a few short weeks
Vital Choice Seafood- This newer player offers gourmet quality seafood direct to consumers. In its first ever radio flight, AdLab generated hundreds of orders quickly. AdLab followed with a limited magazine campaign to natural products enthusiasts. The magazine ad was purchased at deep discount and also pulled well.
Drove 1,400 orders in just one month with direct-response campaign
Lane Labs- A manufacturer of nutritional supplements with a difficult category to communicate—immune system boosters. AdLab created a compelling message and
placed it on national network radio, driving hundreds of responses in just one month.
Direct Mail Drop opened over 100 new retail accounts
Windmill Vitamins- This vitamin and supplement producer sought to increase its presence in independent retail pharmacies. With just one drop of AdLab’s mailer, the company opened over 100 new accounts.
Sold High-end luxury leisure travel programs repeatedly
General Tours & Alice Travel- A land tour operator and a travel agent combined forces to achieve dominance in the luxury leisure travel space. AdLab’s radio personality-hosted trips generated high margins repeatedly.
Concrete Products- for nine consecutive years, AdLab helped a major manufacturer of landscape stone drive increased consumer traffic and sales to its retailers with an improved media mix of radio and television.
Company credits AdLab with helping it achieve profitability.
Topical Biomedics- AdLab helped this small one-product producer of a homeopathic remedy increase its distribution footprint and lower its cost of goods. AdLab planned, placed and created local spot radio campaigns to drive traffic market by market.
Radio campaigns that moved record amounts of product.
Trask Nutrition- This producer of natural health supplements lost market share when a major retail chain created their own knock-off product. AdLab helped them recover with cost-efficient and highly effective campaigns, recouping its losses.
Generated an overwhelming response.
St Gabriel Laboratories- Despite a low budget, limited distribution and well-funded competitors, AdLab generated an extremely high level of consumer response by placing this small manufacturer of natural lawn and garden products in a consumer advocate radio program, with the host’s personal endorsement.
Sales Uptick; Improved Media Buys and Produced Stronger Messaging
EcoSmart Technologies- This newcomer to the “green” space saw a nice uptick in sales its second season, thanks to AdLab’s improved media buys and stronger messaging for the company’s national radio campaign, despite well-funded competitors.
Generated over four hundred orders in a few short weeks
Vital Choice Seafood- This newer player offers gourmet quality seafood direct to consumers. In its first ever radio flight, AdLab generated hundreds of orders quickly. AdLab followed with a limited magazine campaign to natural products enthusiasts. The magazine ad was purchased at deep discount and also pulled well.
Drove 1,400 orders in just one month with direct-response campaign
Lane Labs- A manufacturer of nutritional supplements with a difficult category to communicate—immune system boosters. AdLab created a compelling message and
placed it on national network radio, driving hundreds of responses in just one month.
Direct Mail Drop opened over 100 new retail accounts
Windmill Vitamins- This vitamin and supplement producer sought to increase its presence in independent retail pharmacies. With just one drop of AdLab’s mailer, the company opened over 100 new accounts.
Sold High-end luxury leisure travel programs repeatedly
General Tours & Alice Travel- A land tour operator and a travel agent combined forces to achieve dominance in the luxury leisure travel space. AdLab’s radio personality-hosted trips generated high margins repeatedly.