Boosting Your On-Line Presence
There are several factors that contribute to your success in on-line marketing. These include: your level of brand recognition, your on-line reputation, the quality of your landing page, your staff or vendors’ handling of contacts made; latent conversions (customers that visit but don’t buy initially and need to be remarketed to) and your quality score, as viewed by the search engines—often related to the value of your informational content.
Your web site is only the beginning. Most consumers do not know your URL (web address) and will find you through on-line searches—especially when your brand name is not yet a household word.
AdLab offers you a turnkey solution, including search, remarketing and a content management system to proliferate information about your business, appearing elsewhere on the web and driving them back to your site.
There are several factors that contribute to your success in on-line marketing. These include: your level of brand recognition, your on-line reputation, the quality of your landing page, your staff or vendors’ handling of contacts made; latent conversions (customers that visit but don’t buy initially and need to be remarketed to) and your quality score, as viewed by the search engines—often related to the value of your informational content.
Your web site is only the beginning. Most consumers do not know your URL (web address) and will find you through on-line searches—especially when your brand name is not yet a household word.
AdLab offers you a turnkey solution, including search, remarketing and a content management system to proliferate information about your business, appearing elsewhere on the web and driving them back to your site.